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A Short Film; 'There Will Be Beauty From These Ashes'

Updated: Apr 29, 2021

To accompany the release of Volume IV of Lola Ziggy, (all the way back in December, 2020! wowee) I collaborated with Amy Ossola, one of the contributors from within the pages of LZ and outside— on a short film. Entitled 'There Will Be Beauty From These Ashes' in theme with the latest volume of Lola Ziggy, this short film chronicles my sojourn through the grief of losing my pappa and onwards to its successor; hope. Amy's avid attention to detail, and the way she brilliantly weaved together my childhood footage effortlessly paired with ethereal shots through her ingenious eye, brought to life the most tender and trembling subject dear to my heart. Her bother, Daniel Ossola, ever so kindly and wonderfully created the score your blessed ears will hear. I will treasure this for years and years and years to come. Although I did debut this short film via instagram a couple of months ago, I wanted it to find a home here, too. Below the film are some stills from our time away on a beautiful property a few hours inland from the coast to film some of the footage. I'll keep this short and sweet, let me introduce you to my beloved pappa.

In love (and in flowers),

Rachela x

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